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National Stage in Germany


The German national competition for the contest „Young People in European Forests” 2017 was completed successfully in July.

The winner of the National Stage is a team from the Humboldt-Gymnasium in Eberswalde. The national competition is organized by the University of Applied Sciences in Eberswalde and the Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald – Landesverband Brandenburg e.V.
In 2017 the two partner institutions publicly called for student groups, aged 14 to 19, to produce a short film about forests, including ideas about economic, social and environmental issues of management. All contributions to the contest showed great ideas regarding the environment and advanced skills in video production.
A jury selected the short film of the following students: Mark Rathsmann, Friedrich Leukhardt, Arne Sommer as the winner.

The winning team has the right to represent Germany at the European Final of “YPEF” in Sopron, Hungary in September 2017.