Michał Orzechowski (Forest Friends Association, Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Poland) - Chairman e-mail: michal.orzechowski@wl.sggw.pl |  |
Anna Derveni (Management Body of Parnitha National Forest Park, Greece) - Vice Chairman responsible for educational materials tel.: +30 2102445226 e-mail: anna.derveni@yahoo.com |  |
Kristi Parro (Project Manager of Estonian Forest Society, Estonia) - Vice-Chairman responsible for media contacts and promotion tel: +372 56 466 479 e-mail: kristi.parro@metsaselts.ee |  |
Thomas Baschny (Union of Austrian Foresters, Austria) - Member tel: +43 1 71100 7321 e-mail: thomas.baschny@lebensministerium.at |  |
László Hoczek (Competition “Kitaibel Pál”, Hungary) - Vice Chairman e-mail: hoczeklaszlo@gmail.com |  |
Wolfgang Schweighofer (Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, Austria) - Member tel. +43 1 71100 7344 e-mail: wolfgang.schweighofer@lebensministerium.at |  |
Stanislav Janský (Association of Municipal and Private Forest Owners SVOL, Czech Republic) - Member e-mail: jansky@plzen.eu |  |
Vít Skála (CESLES - Czech Forestry Society, Czech Republic) - Member tel. +420221082384 cesles@cesles.cz |  |
Marek Šuba (Secondary Forestry School Hranice, Czech Republic) - Member e-mail: suba@slshranice.cz |  |
Mart Kelk (Estonian Forest Society, Estonia) - Member e-mail: mart.kelk@metsaselts.ee |  |
Astrid Schilling (HNEE - Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde, Germany) - Member e-mail: astrid.schilling@hnee.de |  |
Anne Schnurpfeil (B.Sc. International Forest Ecosystem Management, Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald) e-mail: anne_schnurpfeil@gmx.deHNEE |  |
Moritz Wenning (Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald, Germany) - Member e-mail: geschaeftsstelle@sdw-brandenburg.de |  |
Pál Kovácsevics (Hungarian Forestry Association, Hungary) - Member tel.: +36 1 3743 222 e-mail: kovacsevics.pal@aesz.hu |  |
Līga Zute-Abizāre (Latvia’s State Forests JSC, Latvia) - Member tel: +371 67805432 e-mail: L.Zute-Abizāre@lvm.lv |  |
Mindaugas Maksvytis (Lithuania) - Member tel: +37067908009 e-mail: maksvytis.mindaugas@gmail.com |  |
Andrzej Kawalec (Forest Friends Association, Poland) - Member tel: +48 603078586 e-mail: a.kawalec@ypef.eu |  |
Rosario Alves (Forestis - Associação Florestal de Portugal) - Member tel: 222 073 130/1/2 e-mail: geral@forestis.pt |  |
Joana Bateira (Forestis - Associação Florestal de Portugal) - Member tel: 222 073 130 e-mail: j.bateita@forestis.pt |  |
Robert George Pache (National Forest Administration ROMSILVA, Romania) - Member e-mail: robert.pache@rnp.rosilva.ro | 
Nataliia Revenko (State Agency for Forest Resources, Ukraine) - Member tel: 0951709998 e-mail: koulg_revenko@ukr.net | 